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 The No.4 Metallurgical Construction Company of China, LTD. (hereinafter referred to as 4MCC), according to the State Council Documents about the Reform of State-owned Enterprises, is restructured into the State-owned Holding Company on June 1st, 2010. 4MCC formerly known as the No.4 Metallurgical Construction Company of China, ...【more
  Project of 4MCC Won The Award of “Top Ten 2014-01-17
  4MCC Held The First Meeting of Worker's 2014-01-16
  Establish The Idea of People-oriented, 2014-01-07
  4MCC five-star mansion project is designated 2014-01-06
  Jiangxi Comprehensive Administration Office 2014-01-03
  Construction Land Planning Bureau of Taishan 2014-01-03
Qiangang Water Tower
Maanshan 180m Chimney
  House Construction Projects   Highway projects   Municipal Road Projects   Smelting Projects   Mechanical Electrtic installation   Decoration Works   Steel Structure Works   Furnace and Tower Projects   Other Projects

·GradeⅠHouse engineering construction general contracting
·GradeⅠHighway engineering construction general contracting
·GradeⅠMetallurgy engineering construction general contracting
·GradeⅠMachin&Electricity engineering construction general contracting
·GradeⅠMunicipal engineering construction general contracting

 The No.4 Metallurgical Construction Company of China, LTD. (hereinafter referred to as 4MCC), according to the State Council Documents about the Reform of State-owned Enterprises, is restructured into the State-owned Holding Company on June 1st, 2010. 4MCC formerly known as the No.4 Metallurgical Construction Company of China, was established in Lanzhou in 1965, and moved to Jiangxi in 1979 till now.  In these fifty years, 4MCC’s projects have been all round China, including hundreds works on steel, nonferrous metal, electric power generation, machinery manufacture and industria...【more
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